Customized Computers

Computer's are like most other consumer goods... you pay for what you get. While a Pre-Manufacture low end system may sound good for the budget at first, it can be costly down the road. these types of systems often are built with last years end-of-life surplus inventory, have junk software preinstalled that slows your computer down, restore disks are not included, future purchases relating to the computer may be proprietary, and service is not thebest. Here at PC Medics computers are costume built with today's new technology, no buddle spyware, you get the restore disks, and our friendly knowledgeable staff is here to help, no holding on phone lines for an hour just to get someone who reads out of a book.

Every computer built by PC Medics comes with a 1 year all parts and labor in store warranty. PC's are build one at time, we do not clone drives. All computers are built with only Intel CPU's and Kingston RAM chips. In addition all our computers feature Seagate hard drives that carry a 5 year manufacture warranty, Sony and Aopen optical drives (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray writers and readers) and floppy drives. We have three categories of costume built PC's...

1.) Economical- This Type of system will start around $600. They are good for your average home user and light commercial use. These systems typically have build on video, 2 channel sound and a 10/100 network interface. Although the video is built on, an empty video slot is provided for future upgrades. This computer is good for all the basics including, writing letters, email and Internet, even writing CD's and DVD's

2.) Power User- This Type of system will start around $900. They are good for your home user and most commercial use. These systems typically have 256MB PCI-X Video, 8 channel sound and a 10/100/1000 network interface. This computer is good for most applications including database clients, Finical Software, gaming, or a media PC ready to be hooked up to you HDTV.

3.) High End- Built on Intel's fastest main boards these computers scream... starting around $1000 theses computers can be used as small business servers, CAD, graphic design and bleeding edge game machines.

Please contact us for more information about our computer systems, including free quotes that line item all of the internal parts we use.